THE NEED TO LIVE A PRODUCTIVE LIFE AS A BELIEVER. (Include Appreciation Birthday Messages) 

Scriptural Solution Insight. 

Meditation: Genesis 1: 27-28

I believe God's intention for us is to live a productive life. That's why the first blessing of God to Humans in Genesis 1:28 is a blessing of productivity. Before I continued, I was overwhelmed with joy and crying when I found out the Men God placed around my life are wonderful families. I tried to control my emotions but I couldn't and I started Crying. I will never take the glory that belongs to God, All to the Glory of God, Thank you for celebrating me, Thanks for your message, Thanks for the gift, and thanks for all the Write-up. With a humble Heart and Grateful Thoughts, I say Thanks For celebrating me, To start mentioning Names, Groups, Movements, Wings, etc hmmmmmm this write-up will be too long. Thanks to everyone. Once again thank you. Let's focus on another year to be more Productive For Jesus. Our life is designed or let me say commission to beautify and put the earth in order. 

God's mind when he created us in his image, is To dominate the Earth as a Prince and Princess of the kingdom of God and reflect his kingdom here below. That's why his first blessing for us is to be productive and to dominate by the result or fruit that we produce or reproduce. Let's check God's first blessing upon us,  

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I was meditating on why God blessed us with this first,  We should just be fruitful, multiply, replenish,  and subdue. Without anything in us to produce, but that's just my human sense,  Scriptural I Find Out we're unique people,  Let come to reason this if God gives you the Grace and power to create your children yourself, How will you create them,  and what are the things you will use to create them?  What treasure will you use to create them?  What are the things you put in them to manifest and show that it's your children created by you?  I found out that we are not just humans, we are also spirit beings that make us have the uniqueness of God in us. V 27 God created man in his image. The word image means A characteristic of a person. To paraphrase Genesis 1:27 let's replace all images with characteristics "So God created man in his own characteristic, in the character of God created he him; male and female created he them." 

All of God's character is in us which means God wants us to be productive with his character that we will discover in ourselves. Talking scriptural God characters can't be counted cause there are many like Sand In a Sea. God heals, His merciful, plants, blesses, writes, speaks, prophecy, songs, his love, truth, wisdom, creator, etc. I can't just discuss God. His character is of the highest integrity. He's everything Perfect.  With all this character he created us and wants us to be productive with his character discovered in us. First God's blessing is the blessing of his image, the Blessing of his character in us to be productive. What character of God did I have in me?  Discover it and Be productive. 

V 28 that is the blessing of God for us. The word fruitful means to be productive, you're not on Earth to be a consumer,  you're here to be productive that's why God's first blessing is for you to be fruitful( produce) your God character, every fruit has a tree, and every tree has a seed. There is a seed in you that needs to be watered and grown to become a tree and bear fruit (produce). The seed is the idea, gifts, and talent God created with you as his character.  Produce your seed, produce your fruit. Produce your idea, produce your gift, produce your talent. 

The second Blessing is Be multiply means to reproduce your seed,  reproduce your idea,  reproduce your talent, the blessing of multiple makes you multiply your gifts,  talent, and ideas to many places. According to Munroe Myles the blessing of replenish. is the ability to distribute my product, a system created to distribute my gift, talent, and idea. The blessing of subdue. It's the ability to control your product in people's minds, that's when they need solutions they think of your product first. When people need your service they think about you. Lastly, the blessing to dominate. It is an impact and results stage when people can't do with you offering the solution.  Can you see that the first blessing of God to humans is to be productive with the character he created with us? 

Let me help you to think 🤔 

1) What Characters of God am I producing in my generation? 

2) What areas are the characters useful to dominate in the world? 

Finally,  if I have the characteristics of God, why is my life not producing results or fruit and I know God?  Well, I plan to answer the needs for your life to be productive, but one thing about scriptural solutions is that I am just a vessel to pass God's mind in writing. He's the Author, and I am just graced to speak his mind in writing. But still, when our life is not productive it simply means we are ignorant of the Light, understanding,  and Wisdom of the characters of God that We need to live a productive life.  I wish to deeply explain the 3 needs to live a Productive life today.  God is happy and gives us more when our lives keep producing his characters, but if I have to continue this write-up will be too long so I believe the Holy Spirit will allow me to Explain and conclude this Productive Lifestyle of a believer on Friday. Just make sure you discover the characters of God in your life. God bless you. 

Let's Pray:  God is in me, Jesus is in me, the Holy Spirit is in me, and I am helped by the Three to live A productive life in my time in Jesus Amen. 

Lesson:  God bless his character in us to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and dominate. It's his character in us that must be productive. 





#Henry Paul Akinmade. 

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