Scriptural Solution Insight.
Meditation: 2 Corinthians 13:5
As a believer, I discovered that many still find it difficult to be aware of themselves. The first thing important after you Find God is to find yourself. It's when you find yourself, you can find others. Today I will explore some of the points to find yourself. Has the Holy Spirit inspired me.
2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye, not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
Self-discovery is a lifelong journey of exploration through our inner self, trying to discover who we are, our potential, our purpose in life, and what core principles are guiding us to take different paths along the way. The journey starts with self-awareness and then explores personal interests as well as hopes and dreams for the future. The journey eventually leads us to self-knowledge which will enable us to guide ourselves towards situations and experiences in which we will thrive.
To experience personal growth, you must first be aware of yourself. Understand your strengths, your purpose, and your potential. Everyone's strength is different, my purpose here is not yours, and what I can do, you may not be able to do it. And once you understand this you focus more on finding yourself than copying others in what they do. I was once like that and I discovered I was losing my real self until I had a self-examination.
There was a book I was working on it's all about purpose discovery, I call it 3 Circle of Purpose discovery. From the view of my scriptural, Life experiences, from other great people whom God is helping to live a fulfilled life. I discovered 3 things in them that I am putting into writing. This can also help you to find yourself, your strengths, your potential, and your purpose. They are.
1) Discover God: I know many of us are born again, but you need to intentionally know God yourself, and draw daily to God, To be aware of yourself, you need to be aware of God "In knowing him understanding comes from what he predestined for you, "Knowing yourself is in knowing God" the full function of you, is know by God. Outside God whatever you discover is not you. It's another person's discovery you build on. Knowing God is fellowship, Men need deep fellowship with God, to understand what he has been destined for us. You must first be aware that he knows you all.
2) Discover your Hidden treasure (Potential, Gift, talent?) This is a precious life, not a wasteful life, your life must be invested in something that makes you stand out and live a fulfilled life. It's your responsibility to discover that potential being invested in you by God. Invest your life in something unique to you whatever you discover you create or can do, makes you valuable. Self-discovery is when you are aware of the treasure in you. You have a special function in you to make the world function. Let me explore some exercises here for you to find yourself.
1) What is your Strength? Your strength simply means your positive attributes (What you're sure you have the confidence to do) The word "strength" is a combination of your gifts, the things you love, and the skills you have. To discover yourself, your gift, what you love, and your skill must be discovered they treasure and invest in you. What are your gifts? What do you love? What skills do you have? Get a book and write them out in the book. As many as you have. Do so you discover your strength.
2) What is your potential? The potential is simply what you can do but have not yet done, the song you can sing but have not sung, the book you can write but not yet write. The potential is about what the treasure in you but is still unused, get a book and write out 5 things you can do but have not yet been done by you.
3 ). Discover the Problem you can solve with your Treasure (Your value to the world). Your Hidden treasure is to help, beautify, and put the world in order. How can you use what you're aware about yourself to solve the problems in the world? How can you add to the creation of the world? How can you use what you have to put the world in order? ENGAGE THE STRENGTH YOU’VE DISCOVERED TO SERVICE NEEDS, EVEN IF IT’S FOR FREE. One of my popular quotes is, “Trade your gift for free until it begins to attract a fee”. You must use the things you're aware of about yourself, to keep discovering yourself. You have more functions.
Finally, after you have examined yourself, and you have discovered yourself and developed yourself make use of whatever you discover to offer service to others. Am writing every day to develop myself, and to fulfill the vision, and since I started the SSI I keep discovering a lot of Functions in me. Create platforms where people can feel your strength and connect with you. The best way to earn in the 21st century is to care. A wise man had said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. Find time, Know yourself better God bless you.
Let's Pray: The Spirit of truth, Show me my truth, Help me to discover the function put in me by God. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Lesson: It's when you discover yourself the world can make sense to you.
#Henry Paul Akinmade.
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