Scriptural Solution Insight. 

Meditation:  1 Samuel 17:34-37

Many of us have the big picture of the future but how to achieve it is a lot of challenges many are facing,  this makes many go with this ignorance in thinking and say, what will be, will be. If God says it will be and you are not delighted in God, & take Action. What is supposed to be may not be. Just one thing about the motion of our destination is that we don't understand what we may face to reach the final Destination. 

The destination of Joseph, his big picture from the dream,  that he celebrated was that he's a leader whom all his brothers bow down for. Wow, what a beautiful Destiny Joseph's face a lot, do a lot of things that were not worth calling him a leader. But whoever delighted himself in the Lord, No matter what they may face,  the Lord will give them the desire of the heart. 

Psalms 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 

This is the secret that all things Joseph passes,  hardship,  a leader becoming a slave,  A free man becoming a house helper. He never stops delighting himself in God when doing what is available to him on the journey of Destiny. Joseph's case is related to this scripture that says Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. It's All Things,  Anything good available to do will work for your good because you love the Lord. 

What is available for you to do today is not your reality. But it's a process that must teach and correct you so that when you reach your destination you will not misbehave. Many misbehaviors at the end of the destination today because many processes were skipped. The Leadership spirit of Joseph was trained when he was diligent in doing what was available for him in the desert.  What he sees in himself, is to be a leader in his household, A person who leads and everyone bows down to. But he finds himself leading his father's sheep and goats. In the story of Joseph, I was not told he studied leadership, what's available for him to do, teach him how to lead. 

In Genesis 37 it was recorded in the scriptures how Joseph looked after his father's sheep and goats. He was so diligent that his father Loved him.  It's when he was doing the available that God gave him the big picture of his future. After the dream, he still keeps doing the available work diligently. His diligence spirit to the available in Genesis 39 makes Potiphar his master delivered to him, putting him in charge of his house and everything he owns. The scripture says in Genesis 39:6b that Joseph was well-built and good-looking. Don't forget that it's in the available that Joseph builds himself to start achieving part of his big picture to be a leader.  

It also happened to David before he became a King, if he had not been diligent about the available when he was with his father the people would not see the potential of a King in him.  Remember that the anointing of God has been on David since he was young,  the big picture of God for him is to be a king. The Lord told Samuel I have chosen one of Jesse's sons to be a king. (1 Samuel 16) One thing you need to also know is that God chose the person who was diligent in the available.  The Bible records that all his brothers were in the house,  but only the youngest,  taking care of the sheep. From research, I found out that the age of the youngest is between 10 - and 16 years old. Wow.  David was doing the available diligently at that early Age. 

David's diligence with the available in his father's house makes him learn the skill to kill dangerous animals. I know David should cry, and run from the animals before he was well-trained to kill them.  The skills he learned from the available work he was doing when he was young,  delivered to him the heads of Goliath and made him fulfill the anointing upon his life. Let's see from the scriptures how David explains how what he learned from the available helped him to kill Goliath Saul. 

1 Samuel 17:34 “Your Majesty,” David said, “I take care of my father's sheep. Any time a lion or a bear carries off a lamb,

1 Samuel 17:35 I go after it, attack it and rescue the lamb. And if the lion or bear turns on me, I grab it by the throat and beat it to death.

1 Samuel 17:36 I have killed lions and bears, and I will do the same to this heathen Philistine, who has defied the army of the living God.

1 Samuel 17:37 The Lord has saved me from lions and bears; he will save me from this Philistine.”

“All right,” Saul answered. “Go, and the Lord be with you.”

Wow, what are the available things you need to start doing diligently and you have faith in  God to deliver to you his promise for your life when you study the account of Joseph and David or any Man of God that fulfills destiny in the scriptures,  everyone was doing something and God his fulfilling his promise for them,  don't let us be a generation that times to be doing the available will keep running round or sit in the name of Waiting for the lord to fulfill his promise. Doing the available diligently always makes all things work together for your good.

 I don't have a job,  what are the things available around you that you can do? I know his big picture for my life, but I feel I am not aligned with it, things you're not aligned with do it diligently, and He will make you your reality.  Joseph was not aligned when he had the big picture, but in the end, the picture was made a reality in him. I don't know where to start from, start from what is available. I once wrote, work what is in the scriptures if he has not given you what to do. In doing it he assigns what to do for you. 

Proverbs 22:29 Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. 

Any man who is diligent and skillful in the available, Keeps getting ranks to stand before kings, the available may not look like you, Our uniqueness is formed when we're able to invest in what is available to get what is desired and obtainable. do not neglect the available. That's why I always tell some people around me, to do what's around them to achieve, what God wants them to achieve. I heard a story about a broke lady who didn't have any means to make ends meet. God opened her eyes and she began to collect waste bottles only to resell them. Of course, she had buyers. Though the proceeds were very hard, as she continued, she was able to save up more money to fund her schooling, set up a business, and live a comfortable life. Today, she's doing what she desires, and that's because she positively interacted with what was available.

The challenge with most people is that they just want a quick fix to everything, so they do nothing about being unique. Because this is what the lord says, they just want to land in the big picture. Many available things are coming, but be prepared to be diligent with any available opportunity you have, your uniqueness is formed when we're able to invest in what is available.  

In conclusion,  when doing the available, you need to follow Psalm 37 to have the big picture of your life, and what you desire. Let's check what follows

 Psalms 37:4 Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desire.

5 Give yourself to the Lord; trust in him, and he will help you;6 He will make your righteousness(The big Picture of you)  shine like the noonday sun.7 Be patient and wait for the Lord to act; don't be worried about those who prosper or those who succeed in their evil plans.8 Don't give in to worry or anger; It only leads to trouble.9 Those who trust in the Lord will possess the land,(achieve the Big picture)but the wicked will be driven out.

The available you're doing is just to train you and bring out your uniqueness. God bless you. 

Let's pray:  Father, thank you for the word, Helps me to be diligent with whatever my hands find to do. Give me the desire you put in me, open my eyes to see the opportunity around me, and let everything work for my good. In Jesus' name. Amen

Lesson:  Do the available diligently, it's formed your uniqueness. 






#Henry Paul Akinmade. 

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