Scriptural Solution Insight (SSI)
Meditation: Matthew 19:26

It's important that at least in a year you achieve your goal, or your expectations come to reality. Can you count the years again? The year is November which means we are at the end of the year. To God alone be all the glory. But I want to tell you that don't give up, you can still achieve something before the end of this year. It's not too late. Every goal is achievable. 

I don't plan to write long, but I would like to discuss some points to achieve at least a goal before this year runs out. It may be a tangible achievement or an intangible achievement. It is just important that you achieve any goal that is essential to you. Okay, let's get to the point. What to do to achieve your goal or still make this year count.

1) Key to the Prophetic Words you Received this year or Get spiritual Coverage under Someone your Honor God in his/her life. 

One thing that always makes my life count is running every year based on prophetic words from God. Every end of the year I make sure by his grace to spend the last 3 days Of the year in retreat for God's prophetic words and to know the plan he has for me every year. He declared this year a Year of All Possibility and I key to it. Even the situation in Nigeria made me want to give up on my goal around July this year. I remember the Prophetic Words of God: everything is possible. Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for human beings, but for God everything is possible.”  you can also be under this grace for the remaining of this year. Declare that everything you want to achieve with God is possible. 

2) Show Gratitude to God for All He does and will still do. 

Set time to Praise God for being faithful for the past 10 months and Appreciate him for everything he loves when will praise him. I even have a written letter to thank God for everything achieved this year. Thank you for life, thank you I can buy this, thank you for my business. Everything was documented in gratitude to God and for what He did in my life or will still do. 

3) Write Out on Paper What you still want to achieve before the End of the Year and fix a date to achieve it. 

Habakkuk 2:2 The Lord gave me this answer: “Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you so that it can be read at a glance. 

It's simple, try to give yourself Just 30 minutes. Write down what is in your mind that is important to you to achieve before this year runs out. I don't believe by now you should be thinking of Many things to achieve,  just one of two is okay to think about, write it down on paper and read it to yourself every day and fix a Date to achieve before the end of the year.
For example, I still have some E-books to write before the end of this year.

The goal can be written like this: I will Write an ebook ( titled) before the 15 of December.  And again it can be you want to develop some area of your life. 

I will Learn about This (the area to develop) from November 1 to December 5, 2023, or if you want to buy something,  I will Buy this book, (name the book) before 30 of November. Set a goal that is easy to achieve to run with for the remaining of the year. 

4) Focus on the goal:  Anything you focus on will expand. Small things naturally grow big with focus. It's not money that you need to achieve some goal, it's focus. Focus is a definite commitment to a cause. And that's why you can't be truly committed to anything without a clear definition. Focus without definition will often lead to confusion. And when a man is confused, it simply means he has lost focus. So focus on the above goal you write down. With God everything is possible. 

5) Add Substances (Faith) to achieve the goal. :  Let me Use the voice of a Mentor here, He said hope doesn't deliver things only puts us in expectation. But Faith is now. Only faith moves mountains. Hope doesn't move mountains. And it's faith that makes hope achievable.  It is what will do now that delivers our expectations. Faith helps you to win God's approval over the goal. Hebrews 11:1-2 To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. It was by their faith that people of ancient times won God's approval. So Make your Faith work the Just shall live by faith,  I paraphrase the Just shall achieve the goal by faith. 

Finally,  The year has come to an end, try to achieve a goal, and make the remaining two months Count. With the Grace available upon the RYF With God everything is possible. It's possible for you too. And Plan to get a place to receive word from God about 2024 before the year runs out. The goal is achievable, don't Give up now. I hope I don't write Long God bless you. 

Let's Pray: Jesus thank you for everything, you're faithful, and hold my hand for the remaining of this year. Let everything be possible for me in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Lesson: don't give up, you can still achieve a goal. 

#Scriptural_Solution_Insight (SSI)
#Henry Paul Akinmade

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