Scriptural Solution Insight.
Meditation: Jeremiah 29:11
Having a picture of the results you desire, or the results of the Assignment given to you, makes you more determined and focused on the end of everything you're doing in your life. When you know the reward awaits your journey to greatness. You will never think of giving up, No matter the situation around you. You may not look like what you see. In the last 30 years, Bishop Oyedepo may not look like what he sees. But what he keeps saying now, is that He will be upset if what is happening now is not happening. He already has the picture of where he was going.
Picturing where you're going, helps you to be sure of what you will get out of the life you're living now. St. Paul understands this that's why he always forgets the things of the past to be more determined and focus on the picture he sees. He knows there is a prize if He can press to reach the end of the race. (Philippians 3:13-14). The picture in your Mind always determines the Result you get at the end of the race. When you can see where God is taking you, the plans he has for you. You will run the race with everything because you are sure that there is a price at the end of the race.
The revelation you have determines your destination, Your level of spiritual insight and knowledge, your level of revelation, determines to a great degree your elevation and your destination. What you don't see you can't have. What you see will be given to you. Genesis 13:15 I am going to give you and your descendants all the land that you see, and it will be yours forever. Having a picture of every area of your life determines the end of your life. What are you seeing? What picture can you capture? About your life, Business. Family, Destiny, Ministry, Academic. E. T. C. you must capture something. Once you capture the images, you can produce or reproduce them. Have a picture of your journey in the area Assigned to you. Without Revelation, it is possible not to have a relevant vision. Revelation of the Destination will strengthen us to keep running for the prize. Your destination is defined by your revelation.
I should remember in 2018 when a mentor Impacted a grace on me, to see into my 40 years by sharing Knowledge with me. After the powerful picture of my 40 years. In revelation, Imagination, written words, and dreams. He asked a question if today is my 40 years what we be my reality? It means when you can picture where you're going it makes your journey in life faster. Cause you bring what you see in your 40s to come into your 20s. Your revelation defined your destination. Since then God's grace has always been available to know what to do to get to where I'm going. See. Capture the picture of your Destination now. Give yourself time to pray, study, and add knowledge to yourself.
Imagination is one of the powerful tools given to us by God to picture our future. What is important about imagination is to always filter it, so it will not come from the devil. Because pictures of our future must always be in alignment with God's plan for our destiny. That's why most importantly we must see the picture of our future from the scriptures. Once it's from the scriptures it's life. Imagination is a powerful tool, and when you engage it nothing can stop you. Genesis 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people are one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. You see, how powerful imagination is that's is God that has to come and stop them from building a tower that will reach heaven. Imagination is powerful but before you engage it, you must filter it. To align the picture you see with the Plans of God for your future. Let's check the scriptures.
2 Corinthians 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God about your future must be cast down. If you're graceful with imagination, always filter it, in order not to be exalted than God, or put you in captivity of your thoughts in obedience to Christ. And before you engage this power of imagination to have a picture of your Future. You must fill your mind with. true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.
Philippians 4:8 In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.
Ask yourself Questions to imagine.
What is God's plan for my next 5 years?
What is the result of God's plan for me in my business, Ministry, Family, and Academic in the next 5 years?
What is my reality in God in the next 5 years? E. T. C.
Ask a question you like to have a picture of and give yourself to the imagination in an area where nothing will disturb you.
Please make sure to capture a picture.
In conclusion, Not every imagination speaks directly about our Future, every imagination about the picture of your Future must be rooted in the written words. The picture you see determines your greatness in life. What you see must not just be seen, it's your responsibility to go after God and invest in yourself for what you see to become a reality. We all have a bright future, He has a plan for every one of us. Stop waiting for luck. Seek your reality and work for it. God bless you.
Let's Pray: Holy Spirit open my Eyes to see the picture of the future you have prepared for me. In Jesus' name. Deep Insight and Revelation. Amen.
Lesson: See a picture in a place of fellowship for your future, it determines your destination.
#Henry Paul Akinmade.
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