Scriptural solution insight
Scriptural Solution Insight.
Meditation: Mark 11:12-14
Wow, we're privileged again to see another, week and I Am privileged to say Happy Birthday in advance to myself 10/10. I celebrate God In my own life, I should remember one of the writing Seminars by a mentor he said To be more productive celebrate yourself, Appreciate yourself, and like what you're producing yourself. I Thank God for the privilege to live. I don't plan to write much today. But still, the Holy Spirit must pass the Message He has for us today. Wow. Productivity lifestyle as a believer.
Nobody cares about your trying or hard work if your life is not producing Results. It's when you have results they know you're trying and working hard. You know before, a tree grows it takes a lot of processes that will be called hard work for the tree. There is a story of a fig tree in the Bible(Mark 11) that works very hard to grow to a stage to start bearing fruit or results that it shows to the world that the fig tree produces but Jesus finds no fruit on the tree and He curses the fig tree cause it's those not have the results for others to benefit from what it's supposed to produce. God also hates when our life has a believer, is not producing results or bearing any fruits. We have a seed(Potential ) put in Us to Grow to bear fruit.
As a believer, our productivity is not only about getting things done, but most importantly it's about using our time and resources wisely in a way that glorifies God and serves others. True productivity is about using our time and resources wisely in a way that makes a difference in the World. As a believer, our lives are not but producing quantity. It's also about quality.
Your productivity lifestyle is not to show men that you're growing or increasing or having results. It must be unto the Lord Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people. That's why my writing is not to show you that I know how to write. It's about working to write with all my heart, with the mindset that my reward is with God. Not to man. but just a vessel to pass the mind of God for a season with writing. Let everything you're doing in life to produce onto the Lord.
It be more Productive you must prioritize your Life (Get Articles on Setting priorities as a believer to live a fulfilled life.) And to be productive is to understand how life is ordered. When your life is in order, you are more productive in everything you're doing. Now according to four( 4) orders of Life for individuals, we must prioritize these 4 orders to be more productive in life.
1) You Must be Productive in your Relationship with God (Fellowship, Grow in the knowledge of God. E. T. C. )
2) You must be Productive to yourself. ( Personal development life E.T.C.)
3) You Must be Productive to your Family (Your brothers and sisters in Faith, Blood-related, Purpose-related, etc.)
4) You must be Productive with your Ministry and career (using your gift, Potential, Job, Business, Calling E. T. C)
The above-mentioned order of life Cover all area of life to be Productive, it's now your responsibility to set priority For areas inside the 4 orders to be productive. Productivity is about working and taking Action on the priority set to produce results. Proverbs 12:27 If you are lazy, you will never get what you are after, but if you work hard, you will get a fortune. Working hard on the priority set of the 4 orders of Life makes you get the result you are after. So productivity is about Taking Action to bear fruit or have the results desired. Do the needful today and start producing Quality living that benefits others.
Finally, there are need to live a productive life, As believers, we're not allowed to follow the ways of the world to produce in our lives, we're unique people who come to this earth kingdom from the kingdom of our Father. In the next article, I will explain more about the need to live a Productive Life as a believer. God bless you.
Let's Pray: Father Help my life to be productive and enlighten me to know the area to Keep bearing fruits In Jesus' name. Amen.
Lesson: you must live to produce quality, and have results in areas important to you.
# Productivity.
# Scriptural_Solution_Insight.
#Henry Paul Akinmade.
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