Henry Paul Akinmade
Forgetting those things that are behind and looking forward.
This is Life is Journey, You have to forget your yesterday, in Other to Move Fast in Your Today and to See Your Tomorrow.
To Go far in the Journey You Must You Must Forget your Past and Focus on your Today and See your Tomorrow From afar.
Your Past Is out of Date, You Today Is update when your Tomorrow must be Upgrade. ~ Henry Paul Akinmade
Never Live in your Past if you want to be Update and Upgrade.
There will be no double portion for you, if you carry the things of yesterday on your shoulders.
Forget about your Yesterday, and Work on your Today so that you tomorrow will be fullfil.
One way to fall very quickly is to be looking behind.
The past may be bad, let it not define your tomorrow.
Forget, don't look behind, but look forward for better things is coming.
When you look back you still find that old things in your life.
Anybody who looks back still finds the old life exciting.
If you want to see your tomorrow, you must not live in your yesterday.
Yesterday is yesterday (past)
Today is Today (Present)
Tomorrow is Tomorrow (Future)
Let your today and tomorrow be important to you forget about your Yesterday it can never come again.
Today will always come and tomorrow will always keep moving, but yesterday can never be seen again.
Never Allow that one mistake you made yesterday ruling your Today and Tomorrow.
God himself is interested in our Today and Tomorrow.
When will Cry for Mercy he never think again about our Yesterday.
Forgetting those things that are behind and looking forward.
Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?
The best preparation for tomorrow is Forgetting your yesterday, and doing your best today.
Keep Moving.
Let Keep Moving.
Together we Can Grow.
Am Henry Paul Akinmade..
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