Scriptural Solution Insight. ( 4/10/2023)
Meditation:  Luke 4:41-44

You can't be available everywhere, or do all things. No, you can be valueless and not relevant.  However, setting priorities helps you know where you should be and what to do to accomplish a task at a deadline. We can't be busy just busy, without understanding what makes us busy is aligned with God's Purpose for our lives, Your purpose, what you're here to do, must be an area you're busy.  It helps you live a fulfilling life. Priority makes it a must and helps to live an organized life. 

Setting priorities is important for staying organized in your Spiritual life, professional, and personal life. It ensures you're continually progressing toward the achievement of your goals and helps you remain productive without feeling overwhelmed. The practice also helps you better manage your schedule and how much time you have for other tasks. By setting priorities, you understand what you're capable of and can reject additional responsibilities when necessary.

I once asked a sister, you're a writer why don't you write, I was surprised at the response "I DON'T HAVE TIME" I laughed who tells you that I have time to write, I don't, those who know me will understand what am saying, before I priorities my life, I work 7 am  - 7 pm every day even sometimes 9 pm. So weak and tired when I got home after work,  I ate and slept.  until one day I read a book by a mentor Emeka Anslem who was also a seasonal writer. KEYS TO GAIN 
RELEVANCE He said "Be available to write, when you're not available God will not deliver his mind to you to write. "  what you know how to do, or your purpose if you are not available to do it, no fulfillment. There is an awakening in me that my writing gifts must be a voice. I set priorities, I wake up every day by 3 a.m. To make each day count for me. That's why you see my consistency by his grace to write. I don't write to be accepted, I write to pass the mind of God in me for a season. Like that, my sister said nobody has time. But understand what is important to you and prioritize it before others things less important follow.

Jesus understands what it means to have a busy day, he also has a priority in his life,  he's time to pray that others' busyness will not affect him and not stop him from living a fulfilled life.  Let's See how scripture says it. Mark 1:35 Jesus Very early the next morning, long before daylight, Jesus got up and left the house. He went out of town to a lonely place, where he prayed.
When you study the life of Jesus you understand that everything about him has time.  He prioritizes everything, time to pray, study, preach, make decisions, to work his father's work. He was always available for what he was sent to do for you on earth.  His life was organized. His life was counted every day. He was filled with God every day. 

Let me talk about a few on how to understand areas to set priority based on scripture and experience. 
When I took my time to study Jesus' life cycle I discovered it's a 3-Life cycle but inside the 3 now different areas of Life focusing on his life purpose in the three Cycle which every one of Us also has. Let me explain. 

1) His life In the Synagogue: 
 Luke 4:16 Then Jesus went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath, he went as USUAL to the synagogue. He stood up to read the Scriptures. 
The word usually means it's a regular thing for him, every day,  week, month, and year to Go to the synagogue.  The word synagogue means a place of worship.  The first thing to prioritize in your life is your places of fellowship with God. Set times daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to have a deep fellowship with God. Your fellowship makes you spiritual, And your spirituality makes you live for Jesus and fulfill.  So set priority For your Fellowship Life. This is the cycle you prioritize your prayer life, your word study life, your worship life. 

2) His Life committed to his Purpose:  Luke 4:43 But he said to them, “I must preach the Good News about the Kingdom of God in other towns also because that is what God sent me to do.”

In v42 of this above chapter Jesus just left a place for fellowship to say this statement in v43 that I must preach the Good news. Which means he must do what he was sent to do here on earth.  Since 2018 I have had some personal understanding of the purpose and I categorize purpose into Two (1) Primary Purposes and (2) Secondary Purposes. And the two are assigned to you by God,  to occupy till He comes and manifests him of Earth to beauty and puts the earth in order. The primary purpose is your special calling to build up the body of Christ, (use of your gift, ) which I call work, the secondary purpose is your career, professional, (Area you are trained, to solve problems with your skills).  Which I call a Job.  You must also set a good priority for the manifestation of your purpose. Jesus said I must preach, he's time to do it.  It's a must for him to do it. Your purpose also must be important to you,  set priorities for it. Time to improve your gift, and use it. Time to Go to your job, and do the work at hand diligently. The priority set for your work or job makes you fulfilled and makes each day Count. In this cycle, you prioritize times to work a day.  Time to build your business, time to go for training, to add to yourself, time to write that book, time to sing that song. e.t.c doing so helps you to balance other areas of life. 

3) His life with his family. Matthew 12:49 Then he pointed to his disciples and said, “Look! Here are my mother and my brothers!

We understand in the life of Jesus,  how he built or prioritized his relationship with his family.  You are supposed to know how Jesus' priority is life around people who matter to his purpose.  Those that he was sent to were his family, those that were always around his purpose for fulfillment were his family, and His real mother was his family.  See how the Scripture put it Matthew 12:50 Whoever does what my Father in heaven wants is my brother, my sister, and my mother." What makes up a family is the father,  mother,  brother, sister (children).  Which means Jesus' priority is life around his family. His family are those who do the will of him,  who sent him. Your life also was determined by the association around you. Prioritize those you associate with daily, weekly, monthly, and years. Are they aligned with the purpose your father gives you? Set time to build your family to be aligned with his purpose for you. Build Relationships. This cycle helps you to prioritize your Association every day. A mentor once said that 2 things determine your results in life Information and Association. 

In conclusion, when you can set a priority on this 3-cycle, listed from the life of Jesus,  You are set to make your best version known to your worlds and beautify the earth and put it in order. Priority helps you to live a well-organized life and Daily Strength renews. You start feeling fulfilled, with the Joy of the Holy Spirit,  and your life impacts others.  Set your priorities now, not everything is important to you. God bless you. 

Let's Pray:  Father give me an understanding of areas I need to put in order to live a fulfilled life for your glory. Amen. 

Lesson:  Priority makes your life well organized. Prioritize everything important to you today. 

# Scriptural_Solution_Insight. 
#Henry Paul Akinmade.

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