Sometimes we don't know or understand why God is instructing us to do some things, what is important to us is to obey whatever he tells us to do. Mary the mother of Jesus, understands that his son can do all things, without asking his son if he will do it or not. He tells them, whatever he tells you to do, do it. No matter how things are for you. Don't lose your faith in him.
I imagine if we're Job that's lost everything. What will happen to our faith? We're in a world that is full of tribulations and challenges. And Those things are to test our Faith.  Not the Faith in things or what he can do, our level of Faith must be in Jesus. 

I understand that what you're going through is beyond your understanding, It makes you doubt the existence of God, I understand the question of why in you. No matter what, don't lose your faith. Whatever you may be going through this period, Don't lose your confidence in the trust you have in the Lord.
Let me show you some scripture :

Scripture 1:
Hebrew 10:35 So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, for you are destined for a great reward! 

Heb.10.35 - Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens. Remember the great reward it brings you!

The previous verses talked about the insult, and persecution, that we pass through because we have faith in Christ Jesus. No matter what happens, we must not lose our faith in Christ Jesus. That's why as a believer our faith must not be on things. But on him. Even if he refused to give us things. But one thing I am so sure of is those who seek first the kingdom of God, enjoy other things. 

Many of us throw away our confident trust in the Lord, because of some little Challenges. Be determined that no matter what happens I will trust in the Lord. If you can endure whatever, you're going through. There is a great reward. Always remember, that if you lose Faith, you lose the rewards. If you keep the faith. You shall greatly be rewarded.

Scripture 2.
Heb.11.6 - So, you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

One thing I keep remembering about myself, is that I am just a manager of the life I am living, the owner can come anytime. So my desire is to do what pleases the owner of my life. So from discovering in the word of God. Only those who don't lose their faith, Can please the owner of their life. 

So when you lose your faith, you lose your confident In God, you maker. No faith in him, Forget pleasing him. Your faith in him. Helps you to please God. Having faith in him, is helping yourself. So no matter what happens don't lose your Faith.

Finally, Build your Faith. The test of Faith is here, It's coming, build your faith to be able to stand strong. God bless you.

#Scriptural Solution Insight.
©Henry Paul Akinmade.

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