I understand the importance of money in all areas of Life. As we used to say, that Money answers all things, but having the mindset that you can do anything to make money is wrong. Believers don't just do anything to make money. That's why you see a strong believer that's selling hard drugs in the Name of doing anything to make Money. I know you need money, But not to the point of doing anything That will not make you show the glory of God. 

Again, when it comes to money making you must have an end point in your mind, that any money you make is to advance the kingdom of God. That is when other things will be added to your life. You can't have all the money, So I intentionally chose peace over Money, When I made money. Once you're still on earth, I can't deceive you that money is important as your life is important. Let me share with you what to do to make Money.

1) Everything you put your hand to.

Deut.28.8 - The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

As a believer, I believe you must have a renewed mind, that any business that you do that can't promote Jesus, Is bad. If you can identify a no-do business as a believer, others' business is blessed if you can use your hands to do it. So find your hand doing something. You may have skills, don't just sit and look for money, even if you're in this part of the world called Nigeria. used skills or talent you have. Just make sure you're Hands are working. The Lord always blessed a working Hands. 

So your hand must do something to solve a problem to bring money. You don't pray to Make money. You work to make money. 

Scripture 2.
Eccl.9.10 - Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

This is the wealth and Wisdom man talking here, Solomon He said whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all you might. Don't wait for any miracle money anywhere, You don't need to scam anyone before you make Money. If you're content with your life. Do whatever Good your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Money comes by Doing something. 

I remember some years when I needed 30k and was still learning work, I had to find labor to do to get the money to achieve what I wanted to achieve. If you can work, you will have money. Today it is clear how to make money even though I am still in the process. Money comes in your direction if you can do something. 

When it comes to making money, Femi Lazarus makes us understand that we need to do 4 things. 
To make money by doing anything you must be doing one or two of the four.
1) Sell something.
2) Provide a Service.
3) Get a Job.
4) Create Something.

To make your money choose from the above Four, and invest everything in the one that fits your personality, and gives you time to move closer to God. 

Finally, You must not joke with this Subject of money making. If you joke it can affect your destiny fulfillment, Prov.12.24 - Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor. Be diligent in everything good your hands find to do. God bless you.

Hope it's insightful.
#Scriptural Solution Insight.
©Henry Paul Akinmade.

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