The fact you're tired and confused suggests that you are trying too hard. But it's neither things are not working as planned, nor working in the wrong way. All the best As a believer in Christ all things we surely work for our good. As humans, no one has a clear and strong position on everything. We're not omniscient. To be confused is normal when things are not going the way we think they should. But most of the time God is working out some things better for us in our Confusion.
One of the signs I do know something is wrong in my relationship with God is that I experienced confusion in all areas of Life. And doing something that God wants me to be patient in doing rashly. I may also feel confused. But we must know and understand that Our God is not the author of Confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33 -
"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace... simply means when we're Confused we may lose our Peace. 

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and a sound mind.". You can't be confused and not have fear in you and as a believer we're not given the spirit of fear. But to All-knowing God, He can decide to confuse you to put you right in his purpose for your life. So not all Confusion is about the Devil the Author, Let's check our perspective on the area we're Confused about. God may see the danger in the future in the step you want to take today because he loves you. He may first decide not to make that your decision works because it's your decision you will surely get confused. And as you're confused you may not be able to take that step and In the moment of your confusion, he is surely Working out things for your good.

When I am just trying to generalize things scripturally, but I don't know areas you're confused. Is the confusion about God, your Personality, What you want to do, Where you want to go, and your Areas of life (Academic, Financial, Family, Business, Health, E.t.c) there something you can't know, but you just have to choose peace over them. You're looking for Admission, Remember you don't give it. So if you have prayed, and done the necessary things, and still, the admission is not coming. Choose to be at peace and wait and take the step again. If you try to change what you can't change. You can be tired and confused. If you try to do what you're not capable of doing, you can be tired and confused. So choose peace over confusion And allow your confusion to grow you. So try to understand if what is confusing you is in your capacity or others' capacity. If it is in your capacity it means you need to check what is wrong. But if not In your capacity. Choose peace. He's working something for your good.

God is with You, you need these periods of confusion from time to time. They are not there to make you feel crap about yourself. They are opportunities to grow. Confusion about my business in 2019 made me see an opportunity to grow the business by learning new things. So in your Confusion understand what to do. As a believer when you're confused, what you need is to first try to understand what God is doing in your life. By praying and seeking God in his words. That's why I enjoy separation to have clarity on what is happening in my life. Think about it… If everything made sense all of the time, you wouldn’t need to get better — you’d already know everything. Confusion can also be telling your mind to “expand a little more.”
How you view this opportunity determines the outcome for the next phase in your life. He may want you to become better before you go to school. He may want you to invest something in yourself before He settles for Marital life. see an opportunity to grow in your confusion.

Why do many feel confused, 1) No time to do what they are passionate about. Anytime I was not able to write. Mostly on this day, I am determined to add to my world. I lost my peace that day. That is why I create time to keep Doing what I was gifted to do. And the more I write, the more I am at peace. So mostly the devil attacks my writing gift so I can be confused. (I wrote about how I was Attacked to be confused). 2) Lacking meaning: Why do you wake up every day? You’ll naturally struggle to visualize where you want to see yourself in the future when nothing is stirring up your motivation each day. When your everyday living lacks meaning the result is confusion. 3) Loneliness: Don't confuse feeling loneliness with the absence of people. If you are among people and you don't have connections with them you can be lonely. Be connected with people. 4) Too much information. This affected me many times. And I will be confused and not know what to do first. 

Let's Check the Scripture on what to do when we're Confused and tired. ( Understand that only God is all-knowing.) 

Scripture 1:
2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT

So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

The Confusion can be a trouble in this case, so if you're in this condition of Confusion and tired of everything, don't look at the present state rather there is a prophecy upon you, there is a promise of God on you, You have a reality, You're given a vision, you have a dream, fix your gaze on those things. What is ahead of us, gives many of us the boldness that our lives can't be like this forever. 

That's why we don't live by sight, but we only live by Faith, Faith delivers what we gaze at to us.

Scripture 2:

Psalm 94:19 CEV

And when I was burdened with worries, you comforted me and made me feel secure

Trust in the comfort of God, when you're confused and tired. We're worried about many things in Life, so in your worries Allow God to comfort you and understand you feel secure in him.

Scripture 3:

Isaiah 43:18-19 NLT

“But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

As I said above Confusion can come because you try to do some things but keep failing, this above verse said Forget all that you're doing and fall. It's small compared to what I am going to do in your life. In your confusion, God has made a pathway through it. So he's working for your Good.

In conclusion, let me briefly discuss what to do when you feel confused. Accept the facts.“When you accept the facts, they no longer have power over you.” Be present. I know we desire a great future and also let us be in the present, what you do today determines your tomorrow.  Build new skills, when you feel confused and tired Learn something new about areas of life important to you. Learning new skills helps you to look at the world differently, instead of overthinking yourself and learning new things. Read books. Reading is good for your mental health. Help yourself in your confusion and understand what God is doing. Don't be tired or give up, you're writing the chapters of your life. God bless you.

Hope I answered your question.


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