Scriptural Solution Insight (SSI).
Meditation: 2 Cor 12:9

Let me start with the words of St. Paul to Philippians 4:13—“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” The word simply means outside of Christ little we can do, we're weak. As intelligent, and wise as Paul is, he leans on the strength that comes from the Lord.  He understands how weak a man can be in his assignments. He understands how the strength of a man is nothing. Through Christ, we have the Strength when we're weak. 

One of My friends, who is a writer.  Once asked me how am I able to write and still have time to do things important to me, It's Just Grace, and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Many times I will not have what to Write, or feel weak to Type. I know writing is a Spiritual thing to me. So I ask the Holy Spirit for Help. And In my weakness, Strength comes. I have seen many days praying to God for what to write about. Notthing was dropped on me, I just asked the Holy Spirit to Help. And I take a bold step of faith. Take my notepad and start writing and inspiration comes. 

In an assignment to do, you don't have your strength, we're weak but when we always ask for help, we always receive the strength of the Lord. Do you know the word of your mouth matters when you're weak, your words determine how long you will be in the weakness. So what you say matters to your strength. Before I explain scripturally let me Talk about this. Faith has no regard for your feelings. When you say you're weak, Faith is jealous it means you experience weakness. 

Scripture 1
The Sufficient of God's Grace.

2 Cor.12.9 - And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  

We need Grace when we're weak, and It's our weakness by his grace that makes our strength perfect. In times of Weakness, the Grace of God is important like fuel in the car. The sign that you're weak in your assignment is a sign that you're moving toward perfection and it is not time to give up. Ask for help and grace to continue.

All you need is Grace that is sufficient for the Journey. Humble yourself and ask for this sufficient grace. Don't think all is by your power and strength. But the total depends on the grace of God. I don't want to know areas where you're weak. The total depends on the grace of God

Scripture 2

Wait Upon the Lord. 

Isa.40.31 - But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Don't just be running in the assignment, or anything you are weak in, Stay in a place of waiting and receive new strength, that will help you to fly high in your areas of importance. When you wait upon the Lord you will run and not weary. 

Finally, if I may advise you, don't be weak, speak to your weakness. Go to a place of waiting to get new strength.  And totally depends on the Grace of God. God bless you.

Let's pray: Let your Grace be sufficient for my life. In Jesus' name amen.

Lesson: Don't give up when you're weak.


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