A man came to our workshop with an electrical problem in his car. He explained that after fixing a cover on the car, it refused to start. He removed the cover and returned to our workshop to have it fixed. Unfortunately, there was also a prophet involved, who insisted that the issue was caused by "the hands of evil ones" and claimed that the car needed prayer, labeling it as a spiritual problem. This made me reflect on how common it is for people to attribute their issues solely to the spiritual realm.
As the prophet suggested, many people in Nigeria have been led to believe that their problems are exclusively spiritual. However, they often overlook that some issues can be resolved through practical solutions and a bit of self-improvement. I acknowledge the importance of spiritual solutions, and if you’ve read my article on the two dimensions of results, you’ll understand my perspective. While there is a place for spiritual solutions, I can confidently say that 75% of the problems we face today are not spiritual; they arise from our reluctance to make necessary changes in our lives.

What do you need to adjust in your life to find the solution to the problems you face? Before you start questioning why Jesus doesn't answer your prayers or seek help from one prophet after another, consider what areas require your attention and investment for the life you desire. What advice are you receiving from those you confide in about your problems?

Many of us resemble the man who complained about his car but sought help from the wrong source. Many have been conditioned to think that the only solution to their life’s problems is spiritual. With the right tools, insights, and revelations from Jesus, you can gain the spiritual understanding needed to tackle your life’s challenges. By enriching your mind with books, engaging in prayer, attending seminars, and acquiring knowledge pertinent to your field, you can effectively address your problems.

Interestingly, the issue the man deemed spiritual turned out to be simple corrections to the electrical wiring and properly fixing the cover. If we had accepted it as a spiritual problem, we might have ended up praying around the clock.

It’s essential to have the discernment to differentiate between spiritual and physical problems. Some spiritual problems may appear physical, and vice versa. Developing the gift of discernment, particularly the ability to identify various spirits, is crucial in our daily lives.

In conclusion, life’s problems are not solely spiritual. Approach them with practical solutions and principles. If you find yourself unable to resolve an issue, seek the RIGHT PERSON for guidance. Every problem has a solution; let’s seek God for fellowship. God bless you.

I hope you find this insightful.


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