Believers in Christ Jesus, are blessed people, so many things are what we inherit from Jesus. In the gospel of St John 8:12 Jesus said to the Pharisees that he's the Light of the World, and anyone who follows him will also have the light of Life. How, in the same world that we're instructed not to conform to. If Jesus said it, that is the reality and truth. so each inheritance of believers must be traced back to Christ. 
It's expected of us to become light as we're followers of Christ Jesus. But only a few exercises this Reality they have in Christ Jesus, I remember I lived in a house some years back and I was tormented by a spirit in the house, every night I heard the sound of a person walking around in my room. I decided to relocate, and one day A question came to me: Is light supposed to run from darkness, or does darkness run from light? I had a shift in my spirit. And I take my Authority and that is the End. Our inheritance we're Light of the Worlds. 

As Light, we're expected to shine in all areas of Life, To shine in our mountains of influence. Even Paul addresses that we live in a world of corrupt and sinful people, and his word to us is that will must shine among them like stars lighting up the shy. (Philippians 2:15) Every believer is expected to shine as light. 
Let me talk about this, don't be limited by your light, must only shine on the altar, with this mindset that I shine only when I am a worshiper, Pastors, Priest. We need men to take over the marketplace. This is making many believers calm; they are light but darkness is supreme over them. We have many mountains to shine our light on, Business let shine the light of Christ, Family let shine the light of Christ, Political let shine his light. In our street let's walk as light. It's in my generation that we only Shine on the altar. Many even have this belief that if you're not gifted, stay on the altar. You're not a light. Take your place and shine your light. 

Consigning Light, in Hebrew it means Knowledge and enlightenment. So to calm you shine upon darkness. You must have higher knowledge in the areas you want to shine. And The knowledge is divided into two. 1) The Knowledge Of Our Lord Jesus. 2) The Knowledge of Areas to dominate. We must be well-rooted in the above knowledge. To shine as light. The presence of light, Gives direction or Instruction on what to do. And what to do gives you authority over darkness. So light is the Knowledge you have in the Areas you're Instructed to shine. 

Let me conclude with this, We're still in the world, and We can only shine our light in this world no wonder John 9:5 says As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the World. Identify your place, and labor to let the Light of Christ shine. We're Light. God bless you.

©Henry Paul Akinmade.

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