The Holy Spirit has been helping me to address some issues about what financial Sickness may cause and how to start your healing. I have discussed the covenant to financial blessing and how to diagnose your financial Sickness. Finance has delayed a lot of people from achieving many things in life, even me sometimes affected by the financial crisis but thank God for the wisdom of God to address issues that are difficult.
Wow, let me remind you that I will be launching a book titled Ancient Wisdom. In the Book you will understand how to access wisdom to address most issues of Life too difficult for human Sense. It's purely a divine writing to address a lot of issues of Life, by gaining access to divine wisdom. That is why today I was sharing wisdom to address the issue of your finances. When it comes to you, you understand what to do about your financial situation, be part of those that will read the book. 

Many are sick financially, and the number 3 healing process will be discussed today, please find time to read from financial sickness 1 and 2 to understand a lot about finance. 

3) Plan to Have Plenty: 
You can never be automatically healing, If you don't use your drug in financial sickness, So know Shortcut to be financially buoyant. When you don't plan your financial life, to meet your goal, you will always be sick when the goal is not achieved. When you plan you know what you're lacking and what you have, and by knowing what you're lacking you know the area to address. 

To have Plenty Financially, the plenty i means is to have what to meet your needs, others needs and the Work of God. It allows you to serve God. Nobody has plenty without planning. 

Planning makes you have plenty of financial resources to address areas important to you.  Proverbs 21:5 GNT Plan carefully and you will have plenty; if you act too quickly, you will never have enough.

The first is to plan carefully. When it comes to finance, you are not allowed to spend anyhow, you are allowed to spend on what you plan. And you most carefully plan to have enough or plenty. And you must plan to save, plan to invest your savings and plan to make your investment multiple. A financial plan is a roadmap that helps you achieve your goals. Financial planning can be done on your own or with a professional. Good financial planning should include details about your cash flow, savings, debt, investments, insurance and any other elements of your financial life.

What is financial planning?
Financial planning is an ongoing process that looks at your entire financial situation in order to create strategies for achieving your short- and long-term goals. It can reduce your stress about money, support your current needs and heal your financial sickness. 

Shortly let me explain how to plan to have Plenty In your finance.:

1)  Set financial goals. A good financial plan is guided by your financial goals.  I should remember how I first set a goal of having 400k in 2019 to buy tools to use. In the workshops its first seem is not possible but by his grace and commitment to saving the financial goal was achieved. So have a financial goal for each year, five years Make your financial goals inspirational. Ask yourself: What do I want my life to look like in five years? What about in 10 and 20 years? Think about it, if God needs 20k from you will you be able. Please but enjoy the process and plan to have plenty.

2. Track your money: Get a sense of your monthly cash flow — what’s coming in and what’s going out.

3 Budget your finances. Even before you have the money at hand, have a budget for it. 

Finally, Nothing is too small to save when it comes to finances, save as much as you can save, when you save your save. Financial sickness its affect all area of Life, be committed to save yourself today. God bless you.

Let's pray: May God Give Wisdom to Address our financial in Jesus name. Amen.

Lesson: Plan carefully, to achieve your financial budget.

# Financial_Healing_process.
# Scriptural_Solution_Insight.
#Henry Paul Akinmade.

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