Scriptural solution insight
Scriptural Solution Insight (SSI)
Meditation: 1 Chronicles 22:19
1 Pet.1.17 - You call out to God for help and he helps--he's a good Father that way. But don't forget, he's also a responsible Father, and won't let you get by with sloppy living. Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God.
The life we live is a journey and we are always on the move and must not miss the road, that's the reason each life must not lack direction, counsel, advice, and how to travel. And we can only travel safely in the journey when it's with the deep consciousness of God we travel.
Nobody ever has a deep consciousness of God without consulting Him. You, consulting God, make him reveal the journey of your life to you. I am surprised that we have access to the heart of God through the Holy Spirit. Are the ones not consulting God for each Journey of life or each season? The life is to be lived fulfilled with what the Lord assigns to you. And to do his assignments you need the consultation of God.
I was privileged to work with some IFA priests and I discovered something from their Lives. They never joke with Consultation each year, and some even consult daily to understand the Journey of life. To my surprise, they ask others in the world to come to pay to consult their gods.
Divine consultation is more than giving advice, it is instructing you on what to do and not to do. When You're advised your mind can still change, but when you truly consult the Lord, He instructs you on what to do and not to do for your life per season. Taking advice is part of consulting. But it's more of following whatever he says to you.
Something disgraceful happened at the wedding in Cana. They have no wine again. The consultation of Mary with Jesus is not to give them advice, it is to tell them what to do, advice still has to do with your wish. But instructions are a command on what to do, cause our trust is in the person commanding us. Let me show you the scripture.
John 2.3 - When they started running low on wine at the wedding banquet, Jesus' mother told him, "They're just about out of wine."
John 2.4 - Jesus said, "Is that any of our business, Mother--yours or mine? This isn't my time. Don't push me."
John 2.5 - She went ahead anyway, telling the servants, "Whatever he tells you, do it."
Mary the mother of Jesus, was so sure of his son that he just consulted about the running out of wine that he would surely do it. So she said whatever he tells you to do, do it. At the end of each consultation for any area of your life, this will be your intentions, your desires, your will, and your actions. Whatever he tells me, I will do it.
You're starting another Journey of Life, again in the year 2024. You have a resolution and goals, have you consulted the Lord to understand the journey better? To understand what to do, and not to do. Your life as believers is not to live anyhow is to be lived on instructions. Clear and understandable instructions come when you consult the Lord separating yourself from the noise of the world.
The Lord doesn't need your money for consultation. Consultation is a service that you pay to get information and advice through an appointment or meeting with a professional person. If the Lord doesn't ask you to pay like others, He asks for your appointment, to have a meeting with you. He's the professional who understands your life better.
Consult him, for your spiritual life, business, family, health, financial life, and academic life. He's waiting to have a meeting with you and discuss with you everything about you.
If the Lord does not collect money what can I give him? 1 Chronicles 22:19 Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the LORD your God. he wants you to seek him, not with your money, But by devoting your heart and soul. And where your treasure is, that's where your heart will be.
Acts.17.26 - From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.
Acts.17.26 - From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.
Acts.17.27 - God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.
If you study v26 he said He(God) Determines the times set for us and the exact place where we should live. Everything about us must be determined by God. He alone knows the time for everything under the earth, mostly for our Destiny. He understands the times. He wants us to always reach out to him, to find him. Even near to us. You must not enter 2024 without consulting God for your Destiny. What to achieve, where to go, what to do, How to grow.
In conclusion, To understand more about you, you need to set a time to consult God about you. Not everything others do you must do, you're so unique when you follow is consultation for you. Consulting gives clarity to your journey in the year 2024. God bless you.
DM if you love to join us in the Retreat.
Theme: The Mind Of God for my destiny. (Divine Consultation for Year 2024)
Let's pray: May I never go my own way, Open my eyes to see your way. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Lesson: Consulting God, gives you clarity in your life.
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