Scriptural solution insight
Scriptural Solution Insight (SSI).
Meditation: Habakkuk 2
As a believer, we should believe in what is said about us by God rather than the word of Men. We must always try to make every year count. Your belief in what God said, Prepares you to start the race, His word helps you not to give up the race. Let's develop a belief system to always believe every word received from God in a place of waiting.
To testify to the faithfulness of the Lord this year. He said in my last year of waiting that everything is possible, to him be the glory he makes everything possible. It must be a habit to always wait for His word each year; waiting is not sleeping with the Bible or in prayer. Waiting should be a spiritual exercise that always wakes you up from sleeping and standing upon a watchtower. If you can't stand up on your watchtower and sleep, your enemy will come when you are sleeping to sow weeds among your wheat. (Matthew 13:25).
Waiting is when you set yourself aside to be in a place to be alone and rest in the lord, through his word and prayer (marks 6:31) it's a place to stand and watch. It is a place to safely guide what is coming in 2024, it is a place to receive word concerning you. Numbers 9:8 And Moses said unto them, Stand still, and I will hear what the LORD will command concerning you. It's the right Instructions and information that makes you run right, wrong instruction or information can lead to your destruction. Instructions received in the place of waiting helps you run right and be productive.
Every word Moses received from the Lord is what was used by the people to do everything ( Numbers 9:8) you need to wait for instructions to run 2024. It is by instructions received in the place of waiting that you can do everything needed to be done 2024 waiting makes you stand upon a watchtower in expectation of what the Lord has to say. Set time for yourself, to wait to receive instructions to run 2024 within a place of prayer with expectations to hear and see from God about 2024.
Come to me and I will teach you. This is a word of Jesus to Peter in Matthew 4:19 this is the instruction that changed the Life of Peter, Come to me and I will teach you, Jesus is a teacher He gives instructions and commands, Concerning destiny. It's a call to come and I will teach you How to run 2024 and be Productive. It's a call to stay upon your watchtower until you receive his Words. When you come to him, He will teach you what is needed to run 2024. When coming to watch you must come with Expectations.
Let's check some scripture.
Habakkuk 2:1 I will climb my watchtower and wait to see what the Lord will tell me to say and what answer he will give to my complaint.
Standing upon the watchtower in preparation for 2024 is to remain in prayer and meditate upon the word of God. The expectations of your waiting according to the above verse should be.
1) To see what the Lord will tell you about your Destiny in 2024 to be productive.
It's not only enough to know what he tells you, you must see what he tells you. It's what is seen can be given, if you can see it you can have it, if you can't, you can't have it. See what the lord will tell you should be your expectations. My God still speaks.
2) Expectations to receive an Answer for what He had promised you before or your complaint.
Don't give up on what he has not done yet or told you last year that he will do it. When waiting by standing upon the watchtower expect that he will answer you. Every instruction will come to pass. Habakkuk 2:3 Put it in writing because it is not yet time for it to come true. But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true. It may seem slow in coming, but wait for it; it will certainly take place, and it will not be delayed.
Finally, when an instruction comes to you, documentation is a powerful tool to run with instructions, write down everything he said in your place of watching, when he said it, see it, and have it. Make your coming year count. Run it with God's Instructions. God bless you.
Let's pray: Open my eyes to see what you set to deliver to me to run the year 2024. Gives instructions to make me productive in the coming year. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Lesson: Wait upon your watchtower to receive his plan for your destiny.
#Henry Paul Akinmade.
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