Meditation: Genesis 31

To be sincere with you, I don't put my mind on Challenges, but I keep hearing the cry of my generation, about the challenges in our nation. By Faith challenges are under our feet 👣👣👣 and the mindset in me about challenges is that there must be a Way out. How can I have the way and not know the way? No, that's why in the scripture God revealed Solutions to issues of a person, Nation, and generation. 
The truth you need to believe is that true wisdom is from the scripture, following the scriptural Solutions(Finding what to do in the Scripture yourself) helps you to understand the ways out of every problem. The matter in our nation now, the way out is in the scripture. And the way out I called Wisdom God Gives you for this time. " This Wisdom Impacted You on"How to Live in this Time of Famine in Nigeria " in the Book Ancient Wisdom I define Wisdom as knowing what to do and doing it. 

The word wisdom from the topic of today, means to use revelation, ideas, strategies, and Plans you received from God for this season. Each season has an assignment to carry out, every season has a seed to be sown and a harvest to be reaped. Every season there is what you are supposed to do, and doing it opens up the Gate of Blessings from heaven to you. God knows about this season, not to motivate you, but to do what he wants you to do this time. God is faithful to every season, but how faithful are you? 

Why blame God for the season? Before the season comes there is a season, and what we sow in the past season is what will reap in the present season, so why blame God? I pray for Mercy upon us all. Blaming God solves nothing, Blaming the Government solves nothing, But blame yourself. You can't control God, you can't control the government, but you can control yourself. Many keep saying I saw this famine coming long ago. What do you do to prepare for it, even If the government doesn't care about you can't you care about yourself? 

In a time long this Situation in the Bible, there is a man named Joseph, and the solution he provided appeals to the wisdom God gave him to overcome the nation's famine problem.  And to be able to have this type of Wisdom something must be upon your life. Genesis 41:38b "A man who has God's spirit in him" God's spirit on the day of creation, makes us a co-creator with God. This means the spirit of God in us, makes us have ideas like God, and know what to do. How to go about things. In Genesis God knows what to do when the Earth is formless. Our nation is also formless now, we need to know what to do, and what to do is have or receive the wisdom God gives you.

The king of Egypt dreamed, And Joseph was called to interpret, and from the interpretation, he said 7 years for enjoyment, 7 years for famine. That's what is coming. But God now gives Joseph the Wisdom to use to the situation let me show you. 

Scripture 1 
Genesis 41

 31 The time of plenty will be entirely forgotten because the famine which follows will be so terrible. 

32 The repetition of your dream means that the matter is fixed by God and that he will make it happen shortly.

33 “Now you should choose some man with wisdom and insight and put him in charge of the country. 

34 You must also appoint other officials and take a fifth of the crops during the seven years of plenty. 

35 Order them to collect all the food during the good years that are coming, and give them authority to store up corn in the cities and guard it.

 36 The food will be a reserve supply for the country during the seven years of famine that are going to come in Egypt. In this way, the people will not starve.”

The matters of the famine in Egypt are fixed by God, causing the Wisdom of what to do as be given to a man. The wisdom for Joseph is to store up food when things are still going well, can you believe that some do not move about the Hard and costly things in Nigeria now, they have prepared well for this period, you also have the solution if you can access the wisdom needed for this time. Joseph was blessed for appealing the wisdom given to him during a famine period in Egypt. What is God telling you to do this time? 

Many may not accept this, is the bitter truth, Joseph didn't overcome famine by praying, fasting, complaining, and running up and down. Wisdom helps him overcome. Pray but don't forget to ask God what you are supposed to do to overcome the famine. The Wisdom to overcome the challenges. God doesn't hide to surfer his own. One of the wisdom that comes to Joseph is to choose men who will be in charge and not original men. But men are filled with wisdom and insight.  

Do you also need men to appeal to the wisdom given to you, Choose them and save yourself, Your people, your town, and your nation from this time. Who are the people you need to achieve the wisdom you received? You have received the wisdom to go into Agriculture, raise, and go. You received an insight to start something, start them. In a time like this do what you are supposed to do to be a blessing to everyone.

To conclude, imagine Joseph doesn't store food, what will happen for 7 years of famine in  Egypt? Let me beg you to use the wisdom you also received from God. Ideas, business, And he opens Blessings to you, and challenges forever to be under your foot. This time needs you. God bless you.

Hope I have provided a Solution.

©Henry Paul Akinmade

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