
“And with all thy getting, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7). What are the things important in getting Understanding? If Solomon can dominate the earth in his time, what is that secret he knows, so simple but Deep and needs our responsibility, He gets Understanding, and He lives by deep Insight. If you decide to Learn about the secret of Solomon, you must keep finding yourself around the proverbs. You will discover that more than the Wisdom God gives Solomon, He aligns himself to get deep insight or understanding.

One of the very secrets is that he gets an understanding of everything He's doing, and the level of his understanding helps him succeed in everything he does. Understanding what you ought to do, helps you not to invest  time in what is not important for your Destiny. The deep understanding you get about any area of Life helps you to take the giant step of Faith to do anything for what you know to do. Do you stress yourself out eating, No! Why? Because you understand how to eat. Understanding reduces the stress of your life. Imagine you have an understanding of what to do to be financially stable in 2 years. You will discover that your level of stress is reduced financially, because you will be able to take the giant step of Faith to do what makes you financially free. 
Understanding what you ought to do increases your faith level in what you want to do, I wanted to collect a car's electrical problems from a client or customer, and I was called for the car the first information I ask is the details of the car and I now go online to makes research about the car, Doing that I gain an understanding on what to do about the car problem, so with confidence, strong faith I was able to approach the client and confidently told him this car will work and you have to pay this amount, Understand increase your faith in the step you're taking in life. This is why with confidence Solomon said, in all this, we should get an Understanding. 

We all have different things that we ought to do, and understanding what we ought to do helps us to be time managers and knowing what we have to do, leading to seeking an understanding of what we need to do. Moses in the book of Exodus chapter 14 When he cries for help, the Lord tells him what he ought to do, about the present challenges of the Red Sea, the Lord said to Him

 Exodus.14.15 - Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.

Exodus 14.16 - Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.

 he knows what to do, by receiving an understanding of the above. Doing what he understands sets them free, so I should say it's not enough to know what to do, but do what you ought to do. I don't know areas of life where you don't know what you ought to do. It's in your Marriage, Finance, Business, personal life development, health. Let me discuss some Scriptural Solutions on what to do to get an Understanding. 

1) Get Understanding By Praying.

Scripture 1 
Deut.29.29 - The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.

Nobody gets access to the secret things of god, without praying, prayer opens our spiritual channel to understand things to do in this journey of life. and that is why a believer must be a person of prayer. Two things I have studied about myself are this: When I am Praying I pray for fellowship and I pray to understand things. I think I explained something about this in my book Ancient Wisdom. Prayer is not about your complaining, Instead of complaining ask God what to do about what you're complaining about. The above scripture says things revealed belong to us (Son and daughter of God) Prayer Reveals secret things about any area of Life. So you need to Pray for fellowship and pray to understand things. 

Paul talks about how the Spirit helps us to know the secret things. One of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to help us to pray, this is why many of us pray more in the Holy Ghost to get access to secret things. Bishop Oyedepo Once said: A Spiritual person can have access to spiritual things.

Scripture 2
1 Cor.2.10 - But we know these things because God has revealed them to us by his Spirit, and his Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God's deep secrets.

To have an understanding of any areas you don't know what to do, Pray to fellowship and Pray to understand. In his presence, you have access to secret things. 

2) Get an Understanding by Studying and Reading.

The scripture contains a mystery that no one can understand and the very mystery is that everything about everyone is written in it. But you need to study by the spirit of God to understand what is written about you. When you find where it is written you understand what you ought to do, about any areas discussed. I have been writing since 2010. I found out where it's written about my Writing purpose, and this makes me More consistent and focused. Because it's written.

For any areas you're confused about, get scripture passages on the areas and study until understanding comes to you.  We study Scripture for many things but most importantly Let us study for fellowship and Understanding. Create this Knowing in you, am studying to know God more and am studying to know myself more. 

About books, we read to also find understanding in any area of Life. In the letter of Paul to Ephesians 3 : 3-4, Paul makes us Understand that things I revealed to some people to be written down for others to read to find understanding. When you read Light comes to your mind. And the Light shines out of your mind, to manifest. That's why for anything to change, the mind must first change. Reading changes our minds of understanding. 

Eph.3.3 - God revealed his secret plan and made it known to me. (I have written briefly about this,

Eph.3.4 - and if you will read what I have written, you can learn about my understanding of the secret of Christ.)

Did you notice that it was made known to me, that's why when you also read the article some secret was always revealed to you. Because I discussed a lot made known to me by praying, studying, Research and experiencing. And the advice of Paul is if you can read, what was written about that area you ought to know what to do, you will learn about my understanding of the secret, some secret things are revealed to Bishop Oyedepo on finance, when you read his book on finance, You will learn his understanding secret on money. That's why when you can read about relationships, you understand the secret of the person behind the writing. Reading material related to areas Understanding is needed, helps us to know what we ought to do. Read to understand and have access to the secret of the author. 

Finally, I will continue the article on Friday, but I pray you find understanding in what you read. Understanding makes us live a stressless life. Understanding helps us focus on the importance, and understanding aligns our lives, Understanding makes us make an impact in our areas of gifting. And with all thy getting, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7). God bless you.

Hop to help your Understanding.

28 Feb 2024
©Henry Paul Akinmade.

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