Scriptural Solutions Insight (SSI)

Only a few around the world know themselves, and that's why the world is full of competition, jealousy, and a lot. We all want to be like someone else, and we all are not looking like who we are supposed to be. Everyone is imitating what is going on in this current world when I am not against The development of everything, but Just let me ask you this question: Do you know who you are? We're not what social media makes us, We're Not who we imitate, We're not what people make us. We're the treasures hidden inside of you. We're who He declared us to be.
Many times we call ourselves what people call us, and the reality I will let you know is that people can love to the far, that when you meet their needs, they speak of you by different special names. We must be careful not to accept who people call us. Let me use the word St Paul used in

 Romans 12:3 - As God's messenger, I give each of you this warning: Be honest in your estimate of yourselves, measuring your value by how much faith God has given you.

The warning of St Paul to us believer individuals is, to be honest when we estimate ourselves. Who we're not, let's accept we are not. You see, our real self is not to be measured by what we will do or have done, what we will buy or have bought, or what people call us. We must not be measured by social media, likes, comments, or views, Not by the program we host, but Your value must be measured by how much faith God has given you. And the Faith comes by hearing the Word. So who we are is by the Word will hear from God about us. Nobody anywhere can reveal you, to you. Only God knows you better. And you know yourself better by hearing his words, it may be Sure or right words, Proceed or written words. 

You know yourself better the moment you have access to the word of God. 

Oh sorry, let me Discuss this before I give us a few things to do to know yourself better.

Rejecting Who You're Not, I know it's hard, but you need to be honest with yourself, don't fake your life, and be real to yourself, your true happiness is when you tell yourself, this is who I am. This self-honest gives you peace of mind, not to run from yourself in life, you will surely wait on God's time. I have two cases like that in the Scripture, they reject who they are not. And they live a fulfilled and happy life.

Scripture 1.
John 6:15 - Jesus saw that they were ready to take him by force and make him king, so he went higher into the hills alone.

Jesus refused to be made an earthly king because he knew who he was. Your ability to reject who you are not gives you access and the ability to become who you are supposed to be in life. It helps your ways in life. When people think to themselves, this man is good. He teaches us, feeds us, instructs us, gives us life, and gives us hope because of him we have more than enough. So let's make him a king. But Jesus rejected it because his mission was not to make an earthly king. He knows himself.

Scripture 2.
John.1.20 - He flatly denied it. "I am not the Messiah," he said.

John.1.21 - "Well then, who are you?" they asked. "Are you Elijah? No," he replied. "Are you the Prophet? No."

John.1.22 - "Then who are you? Tell us, so we can answer those who sent us. What do you have to say about yourself?"

John. 1.23 - John replied in the words of Isaiah: "I am a voice shouting in the wilderness, 'Prepare a straight pathway for the Lord's coming!'"

John also rejects who he is not, and this ability makes him bold enough to carry out his assignments. Among the two I discovered simple things they do to Know themselves better. Apart from that, something is already written about them. I called it Separation for Identification or Clarity.

You need to separate yourself to know yourself better. We read in the scripture how Jesus was led to the wilderness for Forty days and nights, and John also Grew up in the Wilderness. To know yourself better you first need to learn how to live a life of separation from this noisy world. If you want to know yourself, turn off the T.V., the radio, the internet, and the running dialogue in your head. Go to a quiet place and spend time alone. This is where you’ll meet yourself. This is where you’ll learn what’s truly important to you.

Nobody discovers themselves in a noisy world, everyone gets separated, so who they are in the quiet place with God, influences you and you understand they value themselves. Separation for identification brings us back to a place of rest and clarity about who we are. 

Finally, be honest about who you are and think accurately about yourself. the better you are in Christ Jesus, and you need to separate yourself to discover yourself. And you make your world beautiful. Be you. God bless you.

©Henry Paul Akinmade.

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