Scriptural solution insight
Scriptural Solutions Insight (SSI)
There is only one place where we find Jesus cannot do miracles, and that is his hometown. Why? Because the people were over-familiar with him – they saw him as the carpenter’s boy, not as the son of God. The danger of this familiarity is that he makes us Lose valuable Revelation. When you're familiar with anything you conclude on them based on the little things you know about them. And familiarity causes you to lose your respect and honor, for someone or things that can add great value to your life.
Based on what the Holy Spirit puts in my mind this morning, Revelation Is a secret revealed to you by God, And Knowledge is What you learn from Men. Familiarity can make you lose your access To Revelation, and when you're too familiar with the People of God that is supposed to add new Knowledge to you. Your life may lack Favour and what they say may not make sense to you again.
From the life of Jesus, I understand that a person needs to Be Favour by God and Man. It's not balanced when you're only favored by God, but not by Man. Or By Man or Not God. And there is no limit to Favour from God and Man when you're not too familiar. But the Moment you're too familiar with, You lose your Respect and honor for Them. Access to Revelation Gives us Access to the direction of our Destination from God, and the Moment you're too familiar with God, You Seek him less. On Earth will deal with God and Man.
Being familiar with God will not make you access what he plans for you for the Moment, the worst part of this is that you will think you know God all, You will think you know what he wants you to do, You think you know everything about Him. Familiarity with God has made many stop accessing The supernatural realm of God, Familiarity With God has Made many Settle for less than they know about Him. Familiarity with God has killed your hunger for God. Take away your desire to remain in Eden. Familiarity has made the Word of God not make sense to you again. Your familiarity with God Makes you not see Anything Special about him again. You need to be disciplined and careful not to become familiar with God.
What you need with God is not to be familiar, it's to have intimacy. intimacy is being close to someone in a way that causes you to value and respect him more. When you have daily intimacy with him, You have access to Revelation related to Anything concerning you. Intimacy makes us understand God more, and hunger more to stay with him. Familiarity breeds contempt, and intimacy brings respect. The more you truly know God the more you will respect, Love, serve, fear, and Honour Him.
As Mary is the mother of Jesus, do you know she loves intimacy, she refused to be familiar with his own Son, that is why she always found value in his Son anywhere he found him, You remember the Miracle in the wedding of Cana (John 2:1-12) In Acts 1:14
Acts.1.14 - They all met together continually for prayer, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women, and the brothers of Jesus.
When it's intimacy you will always find where to talk to God, We must stop this familiarity with God. It's stopping us from having access to Revelation. To know him more.
Secondly, Familiarity with Men Can also make one lose a lot of favor and blessings. Man is a vessel that God used to carry his assignment here on earth. Vessel God used to bless others, men, Vessels to lift men, Men lift Men in Life. So our relationship with man should not be Familiar. When we're too familiar with Man will lose when to receive from them, We lack Respect and value Them. That's why your friends do not follow you, read your materials, or listen to your voice because you are too familiar with Them. We also need intimacy with ourselves to respect and honor ourselves, access new knowledge, and learn from each other. When you see a man who is very close to someone and still holds that person in high esteem, you have seen a wise man.
As profitable as relationships are, they can also be dangerous if not well handled. There is the danger of familiarity. Don’t be too much in a hurry to be close to someone if you have not learned the sacredness of access. Not too many people can handle closeness. Most times, you respect people because of the secrecy around their lives. Once you get close, you are likely to see stuff (not sins) you never knew existed. You now have a choice to make; to let the faults you see affect your estimation of them, or to be guided by the revelation of their relevance in your life.
Finally, To keep accessing the New Revelation from God, you must not be familiar with him, build your intimacy with God and man. God bless you.
©Henry Paul Akinmade.
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