In the book *Focus on What Matters*, Letter 8, Darius Foroux states, "Life is hard, and anyone who pretends it's always amazing is fooling themselves." One way to break free from a gloomy mindset this year is through the word of God and the good books we choose to read. You need to cultivate positivity within yourself because positive words originate from a positive mind; after all, it is from the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks.
I’ve noticed some people complaining about their surroundings and seeing them as problems in their lives. While external factors can contribute to challenges, the root issue often lies in what is overflowing in their hearts. The solution to your life's problems is not out there; it is right where you are. You simply need to change your perspective. Your outlook is shaped by what resides in your mind. From experience, if your mind lacks the right revelation or information needed for productivity and fulfillment, you may experience a misfiring life. This year, focus more on developing your mind. 

Let me share some scripture with you:

**Scripture 1:**
*Luke 6:45* - "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart, his mouth speaks."

Your input always determines your output; what you put in dictates what comes out. Approximately 70% of what happens in our lives is a result of what we have in our minds. Remember that no one is born evil or good; every person is perfectly made in the image and likeness of God. What a person chooses to store in their mind ultimately shapes their character—either towards goodness or towards evil. Both good and evil people store something within them that influences their lives and how others perceive them. 

Be mindful of what you are storing in your mind this year. Focus on storing what can benefit your spiritual life, support your business growth, aid your ministry, help you develop personally, and nurture your family. What you store in your mind also determines your state of mind and overall health.

As a believer, how will you transform your mind this year?

**Scripture 2:**
*Romans 12:2* - "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will."

As common as this scripture is, it offers a fresh revelation. Many people in the world focus on transforming their minds through worldly patterns, such as listening to secular music, going to clubs, or engaging in ungodly fun. However, as believers, we are instructed not to conform to these patterns.

To transform your mind as a believer, you need to understand what truly matters to you. This understanding will guide you in determining the type of information you choose to store in your mind. Essential practices for mind transformation include studying the Word of God, reading uplifting books, attending fellowship, and developing your spiritual life. Giving yourself space to identify what matters will allow you to store the right information that can transform your mind.

Finally, on Monday, I experienced mental fatigue; my mind felt overwhelmed, and I felt weak. I decided to take a book and started reading. As I read, I began jotting down my thoughts, and I noticed my mental health returning to normal. What you store in your mind greatly influences your state of mind and overall health. Be intentional about nurturing your mind this year. God bless you.

What actions are you taking to transform your mind? Share with us.

Hope you find this insightful!


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