Scriptural solution insight.

We have had a lot of controversies about the chosen church testimony online for some days now, and it's causing a lot of harm to the body of Christ. When I do not say the testimony of that miracle is fake or real. Only God knows. But it's making a Mock of Miracle.  Miracles are real. We have some supernatural performances of God that our natural beings cannot accept or Understand. Things of the Spirit don't make sense to the Natural man. 

But Note that God does supernatural things, which doesn't mean our reasoning, or let me call it discernment, should not work. We're to test every spirit. Even the spirit behind each testimony must be tested. But not now in the mocking of God for a miracle. As a believer, we believe in miracles. But again don't take God as a magician. And don't love him because of his supernatural power. The CCC of the Catholic Church states that God created humans to know, love, and serve him, and to be happy with him forever in heaven. Growing with this mindset. I give thanks when he performs his supernatural and remain in him if he doesn't.  
This means don't claim you're chosen because of a Miracle. Claim to be chosen because of his purpose to be carried out on earth.  Scriptural, it's not about the church name; we're all called chosen. So asking the question who are you? You're also a Chosen Generation.  This is one of our identities as a believer in Christ Jesus. 1Pet.2.9 - But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

You need to be sure of your identity; what does it mean to be a Chosen? From the above verse, you will discover it's an individual identification, A chosen people, A royal priesthood, A Holy Nation, A people belonging to God. That you..... You see the sense of a personal identity. You're chosen. The word "Chosen" means selected or picked out from a larger group, often implying a special preference or purpose. In a broader context, it can refer to being singled out for a particular role, task, or honor. Being chosen often implies being selected by a higher power for a specific purpose or mission.

It's not enough to call yourself a chosen person without carrying out the special purpose with the implies of the Name.

1)  You're chosen so you can be able to declare the praise of God who called you. Your lips won't stop praising the name of the Lord to all the world. Being chosen comes with a responsibility to be carried out in the kingdom of God, to influence your world on earth. 

Your life, by praising God, will let people know your identity as a Christian. You're chosen out of darkness into the great light of Christ Jesus. So call yourself a chosen; your life must not be identified with the darkness of this age. Let this age know about the wonderful light of God in your life. You're Chosen to bring praise to His Holy Name because you're the light of the world.

2) You're Chosen so your Life can bear Fruit. As a chosen generation, you are set apart to bear fruit in the Kingdom of God. You claim you're chosen, your life needs to bring people of the world into the great light of God. It means if your life is not bearing fruit, you're not chosen. 

John 15:16 (NIV): "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you."

I Am a Chosen, it means someone Chose you, and the Lord Jesus who chose you said I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit. So calling yourself a chosen person must come to you with a sense of responsibility. You must go and bear fruit. In all the areas of the mountain of influence, you must go and bear fruit. Your social media handles are not to mock God. It's to bring fruit to Christ.  It's easy to access the father if your life bears the fruit that lasts. 

3) you're chosen for a specific purpose and Assignments. Claiming you're A chosen what makes you different from others. Be chosen by the High power. It comes with an assignment to be carried out. I believe many of us watch the movie Abattoir by Mount Zion.  Anyone the Grandmaster chooses, he gives a specific assignment to do, and you must not fail. About the high Power of Jesus. 

When you're Chosen by him, you have a sense of Purpose and Assignments to be carried out in your Generation. The Word Chosen Generation, my spirit is paraphrased. A Man I called for a specific assignment to his generation. I give specific work to do for his generation. Those chosen by God are often given a specific role or task to fulfill. This could be spreading a message, living a life that exemplifies certain values, or carrying out God's will in various ways.

Finally, don't join the crowds to Start mocking what God Can do, Imagine you're in the Generation of Elijah, Moses, Jesus, St Anthony of Padua, St Pio. Will you say the miracles are fake? Don't use your Social handle to mock God's miraculous power. Because of the money. Note I don't claim the miracle is fake or real. But God still does miracles. And stop mocking God. You're Blessed. Amen.

Let's pray: Help me to Understand your Supernatural Power, And Help me as a chosen one in this Generation not to misrepresent you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Hope it's insightful.

#Henry Paul Akinmade.

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