We can't deny the fact that everything is changing and developing. The 21st century is a technological century. There is a shortcut to everything on the internet. Everybody now looks perfect and correct with the help of the internet. Everyone looks intelligent. It's good that as technology is developing we must also be upgrading ourselves. The internet has changed a lot of things. The Internet has changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the ways in which we interact with our loved ones—it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution.
I was in a transportation service, a couple of weeks, and a man was discussing with his friends about her career and he said it's easy to choose a career these days, that he should just go on the internet and choose any career. Nothing wrong with that, but it caught my attention. Everything is now on the internet. To be sincere with you as a believer you must not believe everything is on the internet. Many have replaced Choosing the internet, rather than waiting to hear from God. That is my issue with the internet. 

I remember one day that I wanted to use AI to generate my writing, and after I did, the Holy Spirit made me understand that I depended on the internet more than his inspiration. That is the day I say No to AI write up. Many believe in what is on the internet, than what the Holy Spirit has to reveal to them. The internet only passed information. It means the internet doesn't have revelation about you. When! I see what is happening to everyone depending on the internet as the sign of the last day. Let me show you a scripture.

But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase (Daniel 12:4).

Many have shut the word of life, seal the book that should give them wisdom about their life, knowledge shall increase, people Increase in Knowledge but Lacking Wisdom. The internet brings information that gives knowledge, when the Holy Spirit gives revelation that brings Wisdom. So as good as the internet. is good for information, it's not good for your Destiny Revelation. You must always learn the habit of shutting down the internet to hear from the Holy Spirit. 

Your Destiny must not depend on the internet. The internet is the spirit of the World, that only gives information about the world. 

1Cor.2.12 - We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 

The spirit of the world can make you confused about yourself, but the spirit who is from God, we give understanding about what God has freely given us. As a believer we must not allow the spirit of the World to control our destiny. Don't depend on the internet for everything. Give time to depend on the revelation of the Holy Spirit for everything. 

Finally, the Internet is a tool, it increases knowledge (if used wisely). But the Holy Spirit revealed everything about you. 1Cor.2.10 - but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit. Everything is revealed to us by his spirit. So the internet should not determine your career, marriage,ministry, family, or assignment e.t.c let the Spirit of God reveal to you. God bless you.

What is your opinion about everything on the Internet?

Hope it's insightful.

©Henry Paul Akinmade.

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