Scriptural Solutions Insight (SSI).

I still don't know how to address this issue the best, when all trust in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Humanly speaking, what do you think? Do we need God to succeed in Life? If yes, why, If No, Why? One thing I learned as a writer is that everyone has his perspective on reasoning, but as believers, our reasoning is from the Word of God. According to the scripture, we need God to succeed. You're thinking why do those who don't read scripture succeed? If you have read my article on two dimensions to get results, you will understand why those who don't study the scripture succeed. Every Result in life is by two dimensions, By Miracle and by Principle. The Miracle puts God in charge, principle puts you in charge. Every Success has a spiritual dimension before Physically Made a Reality. Imagination is not a physical thing, it's also a spiritual thing. And everyone you think succeeds outside God, Believes in self-reasoning and imagination. When! A different spirit gives Imagination. (Later on this). Those, who you think succeed outside God, easily follow the principles of Life for Success. 

Let me ask you, what is your definition of success? We don’t achieve and measure success on the world’s parameters. Our success is deeply rooted in aligning with God’s purpose and promoting His values. As a believer if your Success is not aligned with the purpose of God for you, or your success doesn't promote his Value. You're not succeeding, no matter what you may have achieved in this life. First, get yourself to understand that success is not about becoming a multimillion or having material possessions. To succeed is simply to finish the course God gives to you. Material possessions are a tool for your fulfillment. If you get your definition of success right. You will understand That you need God to Succeed. 

Without praying You can follow the principle and Be financially free. That's why sometimes believers only understand the language of prayer, without understanding the law that guides the Earth on finance. May keep praying and still be poor. In my article the two dimensions to get results I explain in more detail that believers should not only trust God for a miracle but that God has also given out the principle that if you follow the miracle you're Asking for at all times, we follow you. Obedience to instructions brings blessings, miracles, etc. 

Do you get what I am trying to explain, You have what to do to succeed, and doing it doesn't mean God is not involved.

 John 15.5 - "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.

The difference between those in the World and believers is that The world may not need God to “succeed”, because they can do anything with anything and at any time to attain their success. But Believers must depend on God for any action taken to succeed. Apart from God, you can do nothing. It's God that gives everyone the ability to achieve what they think they achieve outside God, now imagine they plan to succeed, but the spirit of death comes. But God still allowed them to Live means their course isn't finished yet. 

When to succeed you have Principles to follow even without becoming a prayer warrior. (When you think only those who pray to Succeed). If you pray and don't follow the principles for success on the Assignment given to you. You may still not succeed. 

Josh.1.8 - Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous.

Law means a rule or principle to be obeyed, the Lord is instructing Joshua that the law should be in his mouth. Meditate on it. It didn't stop in the mouth or meditation it led to doing everything written in it. After you do what is in the law you experience Success and prosper. That's why I believe to have a result in this kingdom you must Understand the principles that back the results you desire from the scripture. To succeed is to do the Law, following the principles of what instructions God gives you. Obeying the instructions brings blessings.

Finally, Only God makes Everyone succeed in life. You follow the law or principle still your success is in God. He alone knows the plans and thoughts towards you. Don't remove God from the equation of your success in life. God bless you.

Hope it's insightful.

©Henry Paul Akinmade.

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