(Scriptural Solution Insight)

Meditation:  Genesis 37, 40,41

I understand your thinking when you hear the word Greatness, Many of us have a world sense to define this word Greatness. It means attaining some fame,  Wealth riches, its part but that is not the True definition of greatness. 

Greatness, in the biblical sense, is not measured by fame, wealth, or power. Instead, true greatness is found in humility, service, and obedience to God's will. When we look at the life of Joseph, we see an example of someone who achieved greatness through his faithfulness to God.

Scripture, Greatness is not when you're rich,  or have all the earth. Your greatness is to put the world of the people you're sent to in order. The order you put on Earth is to solve the problems you're capable of solving in the world. Adam was given the capacity to put the earth in order According to Genesis 2:15, The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. It's in doing it that greatness lies.  

Your Greatness is solving the problems on Earth with the capacity given to you by God.  Joseph's Story Was a Good Example of Greatness,  He kept solving the problem he was Capable of solving with his gift.  Until He reached the level He was able to provide a solution to the King, and the solution He offered made Him Great in the Land of Egypt.  (Genesis 41:25-36) He was capable of having the gift of Dreams and interpretation of dreams and his gift helped him to put Egypt in order,  by solving their Problem. 

The true definition of greatness is providing solutions with your gift / Talent to people you're sent to,  so stop measuring your Greatness by the Level of your Riches, Car, or House,  No! Check if you are providing a solution by what God gives you the capacity to do. Your greatness is at the level of solutions you can provide with your gift. The question is how effectively are you using the Gift the Lord gives you. 

Scripture 1

Proverbs 18:16 A man’s gift opens doors for him, and brings him before great men

The used gift/talent of God in you,  Open doors for you in every area of life, One of the reasons many experiences close doors,  maybe just because their Gift is not used, You may have the gift but do you use it,  I have writing gift since 2010 but I don't see it as a gift and I was not able to meet some people (great men ) in my life,  until this year that I see it as a gift,  Men keep coming and gives testimony,  Gift is powerful don't look down on any gift you have,  imaging I have been using the gift since 2010.  Your use of gifts determines your greatness, because the use of the gifts we keep providing solutions to people you're sent to,  your greatness is tied to the solution you have or can provide. 

Remember that Joseph who was once begged for Greatness,  was offered when he provided a solution to the kings. Genesis 40:14 But please remember me when everything is going well for you, and please be kind enough to mention me to the king and help me get out of this prison. If your Gift has not been brought to you before Kings,  keep providing the Solution,  Greatness is at the level of solution you can provide with your gift. 

In Matthew 23:11-12, Jesus teaches, "The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." This statement echoes the true essence of greatness – serving others selflessly, just as Jesus did. The greatness of Jesus is at the level of solution he provides in his own time and now asks us to continue providing the Solution to Humanity.  For us to say we're great we must be servants to others, Servants make us offer solutions to others,  so your greatness must make you humbled, If you're not to keep providing solutions is hard, cause you will not be submissive. 

In conclusion,  your background doesn't determine your greatness,  what determines your greatness is the solution you can offer to the world with your gifts or talent. You're destined for greatness,  cause the Lord has put in your gifts/talent to offer solutions to the earth. Identify your gift, develop your gift, and offer solutions with your gift(without money attached ) your greatness is here already. Joseph humbly offers the solution he can provide to others, Don't boost the solution you can offer. God Bless you. 

Let's Pray:  Father In Heaven, Help me in this Journey of greatness, Let not your investment in my life be a waste, Allow me to be a solution provided to my world. In Jesus Name. Amen. 




#Henry Paul Akinmade. 

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