Motivated by the Holy Spirit

*Motivated by the Holy Spirit*


What motivates you?

 *Inner motivation beats outer motivation.*

motivate by the Holy Spirit

But if you really want change yourself, you have better chance to succeed.

Stop Motivating yourself by outer man(Flesh) 

But be motivated by inner man *(Holy Spirit)*

*The best kind of motivation comes from the Holy Spirit.*

You must learn to Live by the motivation of the Holy Spirit.

*That’s how we need to live. And that’s how we will live the best life.*

God wants to motivate us.

Holy Spirit is ready to motivate us.

We need to dig deep on him. 

 We only need to *seek him* and be responsive to *his guidance*

*and then we will certainly not carry out the desire of the sinful nature of ours.*

I have Come to understand that to control flesh by your own power. You miss it.

Every time I refuse to be motivated by the Holy Spirit, I miss it all the day. 

*I will be under the control of flesh*

Sir/Ma if you can get motivated by the Spirit daily. 

*Your Life we Grow in a way you don't expect* 

 *So learn to surrender to God each morning.*

*Surrender To the Holy Spirit*

Today is a wonderful day to start to practice this.

 Then every day you will be living free, animated and motivated by the Holy Spirit.

 Nothing better, my friend. Nothing better.


Gracious God,
Thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit.
We want to live freely, animated and motivated by the Spirit.
Hence, we surrender to you daily
and ask you to fill us with the Holy Spirit.
Change us, renew us, motivate us.
Use us according to your plan for each of us.
In Jesus’ name,

Question for the day.: *Who Motivate you?*

Good Morning.



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