Foundation is your starting point.


Gordon B. Hinckley Quote: You can't build a great building on a weak foundation..... You must have a solid foundation if you're going to have superstructure.


The Purpose of a solid foundation it to hold together building above it.

In other to have a better tomorrow you must have a solid preparation today.

Your Foundation is your starting Point.

If you start your journey in wrong direction, it will end in wrong destination

You Foundation determine if you structure will be super and solid.

Foundation are load bearer.

Can your preparation bear load for others.

We're created to make Impact.

Can your foundation Build a solid House for you family.

Can your foundation Build a Greater tomorrow for you.

*Foundation is not to carry foundation*

Foundation is a load Bearer.

A weak foundation can't build a strong Building

*"A Successful Man Is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks 🧱 🧱 others have thrown at him."* David Brinkley.

Every Successful Man had a solid Foundation.

The foundation for future prosperity is built on the bed rock of Ideals, Information, good job and great school.

Great person are great because of good, strong foundations on which they were able to build a character.

*Let build a solid foundation.*

*Build the Right building on the solid Foundation*

Foundation is your Nature (who you are?)

Your nature will always determine your future.

*Discover who you are?*

Foundation is the most important aspect of every area of life.

In relationship, Spirituality, Social, Marital Life, Academic Life, Financial Life, Foundation is important.

How solid is your Foundation.?

Think and Rethink How Solid Is your Foundation.





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