Who is your Friend?

*Who Is your Friend*

Friends will come and go in your life.

No matter how long your friendships last, the most important thing is your friends’ acceptance of you for who you are.

A good friend walks the talk and shows that they care by their actions – big and small.

Who is your Friend

*A good friend:*

is there for you, no matter what

doesn’t judge you

doesn’t put you down or deliberately hurt your feelings

is kind and respectful to you

is someone whose company you enjoy

is loyal

is trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it’s hard for you to hear

laughs with you

sticks around when things get tough

makes you smile

is there to listen

comforts you when you cry.

Two Things Determine your Lifting in Life.

Your Association (Your Friends)

information You Get

Who is your friends?

Does your friend wish you well and see you at the top.

There many around pretend as a friend, but are fake friends.

They keep your secrets

If you can trust anyone to not gossip around town about your dark little secrets, it’s your real friends.

Fake friends will treat your secrets like it’s nothing sacred.

A real friend values your confidence, and will not tell anyone.

Some Laugh at you but deeply in them, the are your greatest Fake Friends.

Friends will understand that you are not above Mistake, but advice you and correct you

There some level you get to in life, and you forget about fakes friends, The will laugh with you, at your back the will gossip you.

Fakes Friends everywhere.

Are you a fake friend to your friends?

This Morning I will tell you If you friends will not Get you to where you want to be in the next 5 years, You don't have friends yet.

*“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”*
– Walter Winchell

#Who is Your Friends?

#Fake Friends and Real Friends.



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